Friday, April 18, 2014

How To Start Your Own Compost

Does this sound good to anyone? Is there anything else to compost creation we should be aware of?

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Nothing to Dismay

After many helpful responses from reddit and google plus, it would appear our crops will be just fine. The peas and radishes should survive this cold snap just fine, and the little bit of snow should not harm the new plants.
A small amount of snow remains

No snow here

It would appear we have growth.

I would like to thank everyone that responded with strategies to deal with sudden shifts in weather, which can happen here in New England. I also appreciate everyone's ideas about how to improve drainage in the garden, along with soil recipes to promote solid crop growth.


In a revolting turn of events, winter has made a return to Connecticut. It dipped below freezing and I awoke to a snowy, slushy accumulated mess.

I am hoping and optimistic that the new plants can handle this weather. The peas are relatively higher than the rest of the garden, so I believe they may have survived the current situation. The radishes, which were really taking off, seem to have received the worst. There is almost a half an inch of snow covering the row. 

The sun is currently shining, and it is now above the freezing mark. I will conduct a reexamination at lunchtime. 

Gutter Garden

This sounds like a fun project.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Not Quite a Monsoon

Wow, is it raining today. After being out of town yesterday, I was very anxious to get back into the garden. The weather, however, will prevent any outdoor activities today. During a lull in the deluge, I did sneak out quickly to check any progress that occurred during my absence.

The radishes are taking off with a vengeance. Almost the entire row is sprouting and will need to be thinned shortly. Peas are going as well, with more breaking the surface.

I am concerned with the standing water in the garden. Although we did our best to level the area, the water highlights the low spots and I fear this torrential rain will wash away the smaller seeds. Drainage has always been a problem here, especially in this small garden.

Does anyone have any suggestions for promoting drainage? If you do, please leave a message in the comments. Anything to say? Please leave comments and suggestions.

Sunday, April 13, 2014


We have beet action! It's too dark (and too scary) to take a photo.