Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Not Quite a Monsoon

Wow, is it raining today. After being out of town yesterday, I was very anxious to get back into the garden. The weather, however, will prevent any outdoor activities today. During a lull in the deluge, I did sneak out quickly to check any progress that occurred during my absence.

The radishes are taking off with a vengeance. Almost the entire row is sprouting and will need to be thinned shortly. Peas are going as well, with more breaking the surface.

I am concerned with the standing water in the garden. Although we did our best to level the area, the water highlights the low spots and I fear this torrential rain will wash away the smaller seeds. Drainage has always been a problem here, especially in this small garden.

Does anyone have any suggestions for promoting drainage? If you do, please leave a message in the comments. Anything to say? Please leave comments and suggestions.

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