Saturday, April 5, 2014

And it begins...

Here we are, the first week of April and although still chilly at night, it is time to get into the garden.  Even though we have enjoyed the garden in previous years, time constraints and other summer activities prevented any activity in the garden last year.  Mother Nature, as is her way, began retaking the land so carefully tilled and maintained by the entire family.  With a little effort and hard work, we reclaimed the land taken so gradually from us.

Lisa is beginning the task of finding the soil underneath all the detritus.

As you can also see in the picture, the fence is in need of repair.  The fence is functional, despite its bare bone design.  All the posts were still intact so there was only minor repairs needed, except for the door.  It looked much worse than it really was.

One broken door

One repaired door

Once the leaves and other ground coverings were removed, it was time to till the soil.

Unfortunately, it was starting to get dark so only half the garden was tilled.  Still, the ground is clear with all major malfunctions removed.  The soil looks good and the fence is complete, ready to repel the most rambunctious rascal.  

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