Sunday, April 6, 2014

Seeding, not leeching

It is a beautiful day for gardening, or at least I thought. Grabbing the tiller from the garage and walking all the way to the garden brought a feeling of late spring.  There was almost no breeze and a smell of baseball in the air.  I saw Lisa exit the house, stop, and disappear back inside.  Emerging with her winter hat on, I began to rethink my perception of the weather.

I had the remaining half of the garden completely turned over by the time she grabbed her tools and reached the garden. Without delay, we tore into the packages of seeds purchased this morning at the local Home Depot. Beets, peas, onions, and radishes were all planted today.  We left enough room between rows of individual vegetables so we are not inundated with a single type when it is time to harvest.
Like the hat?

Lisa adding signs to the garden.

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