Thursday, April 10, 2014

Second Verse

Year 2 of the garden brought high hopes and higher aspirations. Despite mediocre results from the previous year, I had big plans. Examination of the area immediately behind our currently fenced garden revealed landscaping fabric below a layer of leaves and loose earth. It appears previous tenants had a garden here. This garden, however, was enormous compared to our established gardening area. At 15 feet by 40 feet, it easily dwarfs the old garden.

Further clearing of the land revealed a slew of PVC pipes with a point cut into one end. Nearby were rolls of plastic fencing. I could not believe our luck. With a little money and a little more plastic, we had a working fence. Although not nearly as pretty as the existing one, it would be more than adequate. Due to the increased size, we would require some sort of motorized tiller, as doing it by hand was much too daunting. Out of necessity, a rototiller made its way into our garage. It performed admirably.

Planting this year was so much fun. With all the extra real estate, the seed choices seemed endless. We tried different varieties of tomatoes, and I had always wanted to try to plant corn. Unfortunately, the results were less than spectacular. No corn, and very few other vegetables came to fruition. Still, the boys put in many hours of planting and seeding, keeping them outside for hours.

I do feel that every misstep is a learning experience. If we take that as a truism, we learned volumes this season.

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